Ah, yes, February is upon us again. This month is known for the classic red velvety holiday that tends to stress out any dude looking to impress his significant other—but it doesn’t have to be complicated. This month, I’ve compiled few ideas on how to up your romantic moves not just on the hallmark holiday that is Valentine’s day but to use all year long to up your moves and spark something special with your partner.
• Get to know your partner. Find out what they like, love or crave when going out for a romantic night on the town. It might seem like an obvious thing, but do you know what they think is a romantic dish? Oysters, which are a known aphrodisiac, are kind of a love ‘em or hate ‘em type of thing. Finding out their tastes shows that you care and aren’t just going to make the mistake of taking them to some celebrity chef tasting menu that might drain your wallet, and the mood, for the evening.
• Get some bubbly. It’s just not Valentine’s Day without some bubbles in a champagne glass. If they don’t drink, the bubbles could come from a fancy seltzer bottle or a soda flavor that they love.
• It doesn’t have to be on the exact day of the holiday. You might feel that you have to go out on February 14, but so is everyone else. The restaurants are going to be a zoo of awkward couples. Going on a different night creates a quieter, more seductive experience for your date. And with work schedules, consider a romantic breakfast or lunch.
• Consider cooking the meal at home. Send your partner out for a spa treatment and prepare the meal yourself. This opens up a chance to have some canoodling in between courses, and dessert could be a little more interactive if you get what I am saying.
• Yes, it would be best if you got a gift. It doesn’t have to involve a jeweler and can be as small as a single rose, but give them a little surprise to start the evening.
Because if you ask them, they will say, “no, I don’t need anything,” and they’d be lying.
• Eat, but don’t eat too heavy. The desired result of a romantic outing should be a little extra time between the sheets. If you stuffed yourself silly with drenched alfredo dishes and bread baskets, you might not be as inclined to more than collapse on the couch rather than try a new move you read about on the internet.
• Always order a dessert. In general, maybe you don’t always order one, but getting a special sweet end to the meal makes it a special event. Ladies, eat it. There is no shame in indulging once in a while.
• If you are in Las Vegas, I’ve got a tip for you that is very dear to my heart. We’ve got a multitude of wedding chapels that, if you are married, I’d highly suggest visiting to renew your vows. When I got married here in our town, my husband and I had never experienced being treated like celebrities the way we did when we walked the casino floor in my wedding dress and his tux. Freebies were offered to us left and right, and our service at our meal was impeccable.
Enjoy your time with your partner and do your best to make them feel as unique as possible, and you will win this one hands down. Now go and eat something together.